A sacred space for you to let creation in


There have been some wonderful experiences at Sanctum for the Soul Retreats.

To protect the privacy of our participants and to ensure the energy of the event isn't disturbed with flashes going off once the energy is set - we purposely don't take many photos.

These are however a few that were taken during the set up phases of the ceremonies.  We hope they give you a really clear understanding of the love and beauty we strive to bring to this most nourishing and restorative retreat.

The photos above are of quite an extraordinary phenomenon that Suzie experienced at dawn on Sunday morning.  She was awoken and urged to go into the main room of the house.  As the participants were all still sound asleep in their special little beds - Suzie was allowed into experience the energy and light beings who were playing in the dawns light.  As she sat meditating in this sacred place, she was able to bring in even more of the Sanctum for the Soul energy to the room, with a little help of course from the incredibly powerful crystals that have been entrusted to her care.  They love to come to Sanctum and work with the participants for the highest good.

If uber crew Russell is on board, he always allows the participants to join in his morning tai chi ritual.  We prefer to leave the schedule as open as possible but these and some of the spontaneous yoga sessions that have gone down over the weekend are always enjoyed by those who take part.

Please don't think we always have the tai chi or the weather to do it in - but in saying that SOMETHING special always manifests each morning.

We always like to have lots of cards and sprays and essences for people to use while they are in this special place.

We feel it is important for people to connect as deeply as possible to their essential soul over the weekend.

We also get a kick out of using all the quirky furniture that lives at Tasma House.  Truly you would swear the old bread making bench we roll around the room was an "altar in waiting" all those years it was buried in the dirt.  It has a really amazing grounded and creative energy to it.

This is the "bread altar" as the back drop for the extended foot washing ceremony.  Each ceremony varies and sometimes we do the foot washing at the opening of the event.

It is a very special way to acknowledge the healers who have worked so hard and now come to rest and replenish.  It is a chance for the angels to wash their feet with tears of joy as they don't often get to spend this amount of extended and sacred time with us.  We love to gather the special ingredients that symbolise the importance of the work and the healers we are given the honour to kneel before and serve over the weekend.

The grid for the Sanctum for the Soul session begins to form on Saturday evening. Often nature elements are gathered from the gardens of Tasman house and used to help anchor the energy, inviting in and welcoming the nature divas and the  energies of the elements to be with us.

To the left you can see the participants altars around the edge of the room.  These are a unique offering from each participant as they feel is right for them and they place their special spiritual tools or totems which they then take home carrying the energy of the weekend.

Here is Russ and Mz Margz checking out one of Suzie's special crystals - this particular one has a dragon in it that can be seen very clearly.

Russell is our fire bug, going the extra mile and arranging fire for ceremony even when it was raining and the wood was wet.  We reckon he was a boy scout in a past life.  He does a pretty darn fine burcher muesli at breakfast time as well.  We are usually joined by two crew members who run from pillar to post all weekend to look after the participants.  They are constantly washing dishes, making morning and afternoon teas and they are often required to read minds and pull miracles out of a non existent hat.  We are truly blessed by the crew who serve selflessly so well over the weekend.

The little essence bottles are starting to take their
place in the grid.  Everyone gets to take their own personal essence home from the weekend.

The beautiful glass bowl is hand blown by local personality and glass artist Don Wreford.  Don's work is recognised all over the world and his pieces carry a lot of love.  We feel honoured that Tasma House freely lets us use these beautiful pieces in the ceremonies.

This is Mz Margz domain in the music room during the Sanctum for the Soul ceremony on Sunday morning.  Her job is to keep the room grounded.

We use a lot of sound, music, chimes, crystal singing bowls and participants often bring instruments that are played during the sessions. 

Much energy and effort goes into the music at the event and the use of sound allows the energy generated to work at a higher vibration - allowing everyone to anchor their gifts from the past and future to be used now.

Even though Sanctum for the Soul is a winter event, we usually find some dabbled rays of sunlight always fight their way through to warm our souls.

The grand piano in the corner of the music room is a extraordinary way to anchor the energy and it brings a wonderful grandeur to the whole weekend.

It is a family heirloom and carries a very beautiful energy.

One of these days someone will participate who knows how to play that baby grand piano in the corner.

The bowls are from Dean Frenkels personal collection and a couple of Mz Margz's singing bowls are also enjoying being part of the ceremony.

Suzie and Mz Margz are exponents of the "when in doubt have ceremony" theory.

We love to select the flowers and candles and create a beautiful and sacred space for people to do their deep spiritual work.

We both consider it an incredible to honour to work at this level with the divine souls who entrust their entire being to us over the weekend.

 Crimson Magalene
A beautiful original by Toni Carmine Solerno usually graces the music room and enhances the magnificent stained glass windows in the music room.   She usually hangs out on the wall of Mz Margz Angel Room at the Cute House, but begs to come and help with the healing for these special weekends.